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How do I add my partner to my couples therapy room?

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Steps to Invite Your Partner to Your Couples Therapy Room

To invite a partner to join you in therapy: 

  1. Ensure you've signed up for our couples therapy service. To do so, look for "Couples" in your plan name. For guidance on finding your plan name, refer to What is included in my Talkspace plan?.
  2. Once you've a couples room set up, invite your partner to join by following the steps below. 
Web Mobile App
  1. Log into your account at
  2. Select and click into your couples therapy room.
  3. At the top of your room, click the Add your partner to the room banner.
    • If you don't see this banner, go to the Room Details page by selecting this icon (room_details_icon.png) at the top right corner of the page.
    • On the Room Details page, select Add your partner.
  4. Follow on-screen instructions.
    • You will be prompted to enter your partner's email address, where they'll be sent an email invitation to join your couples therapy room. 
      • If your partner has an existing Talkspace account, the invitation should be sent to the email address on file with their existing account.
      • If your partner does not have an existing account, they'll be able to create one using the same email address you've sent the couples therapy invitation to.

The link to join your room will be valid for 24 hours. You can revoke or resend it if needed.

Add your Partner.png

Click image to enlarge

Differences Between Primary and Secondary Couples Account Holders

Our platform recognizes the primary couples account holder as the one who first signed up for couples therapy and either bought the subscription or used their health insurance or other benefits to cover the cost. 

Both the primary and secondary account holders will have access to the same couples therapy room and be able to attend joint live sessions from separate devices.

However, as the primary account holder, you’ll have the sole ability to schedule live sessions, change provider, check the clinical progress tracker, respond to assessments sent by the provider, and request a superbill. Secondary account holders will need to work with the primary account holder on these items.

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